Build with Clous

This is for HR teams who regularly provide feedback to us. They get great discounts to the basic plan and early access to new features.

Affiliate Partners

This is for organizations who want to help us distribute our product.

Startups Program

This is for Startups who can’t afford to pay for regular solutions to hiring.

Talent Networks Program

This is for organizations that are still looking for new talent.

Agency Programs***

Influencer program***

Leadership program***

Freelance program***

Ambassador Program***

Tech Partners***

Data Partners***

Getting started

From our ‣ , these are business opportunities for ‣.

All of business development opportunities come from go-to-market funnel re-direction.

Startups are discounted subscriptions. Ambassadors have a close relationship with the leadership team. Hiring co-creators are ambassadors without monetary incentive. Tech partners are logos to brag. Data partners are super important for strategy. Solution partners are the rest of partners (co-marketing, deals, re-selling, bi-selling, etc.)