β†’ Recommend Clous to your friends and Colleagues and get unlimited rewards: Earn 40% of all your affiliates' payments, warm leads, and discounts, as well as the requirements and conditions for accessing these benefits. This page provides information on how to become a affiliates partner with us.

<aside> πŸ˜ƒ If you have any doubt, do not hesitate to contact us!



We outline the advantages of partnering with us, including HR advice sessions, warm leads, and some discounts! 😎

Earn 40% of all your affiliates' payments.

Whatever they are; there is no limit. The bigger the team, the bigger your rewards!

-10% discount for you and your referrals

We will organise monthly and weekly sessions of advice. Entirely Q&A where we act as your HR consultants.

Warm intros to leads

Our sales team will be in charge of referring our customers that need a solution like yours.


These are the requirements for partnering with us and accessing the benefits we offer. We accept anyone, but we also have a high quality standards. We expect all our partners have them too. Here are the details:

What to expect

Still wondering what are the steps? Let us tell you:

  1. Submit your interest.
  2. We will take between 1 to 2 weeks to evaluate it and take the first meeting.
  3. During the meeting, we talk about alignment and expectations of the agreement!
  4. We collaboratively plan how we can add value to our stakeholders.
  5. Last but not least, we launch the partnerships and…
  6. …we’re most excited about the ongoing relationship! We’re not a one-stop window πŸ™‚
