Appears on in-Peer search


We launch these programs because we understand how agencies can support other organizations. Hire requires expertise and networks. And it’s this program is about bringing it to leaders. 😎

Appears on in-Peer search

When our users ask for external help to hire your agency will appear as a suggested company

Special customer experience channel

As part of our network, you’ll be intrinsic to our organization to provide feedback, suggestions and issues reports.

-20% for your agency in the annual program

We offer this discount to try out our software that helps your talent acquisition.


These are the requirements for partnering with us and accessing the benefits we offer. We accept anyone, but we also have a high quality standards. We expect all our partners have them too. Here are the details:

What to expect

Still wondering what are the steps? Let us tell you:


And there are some conditions for partnering with us ⬇️