<aside> 😎 Here you will find all of our published job openings. If you know a person who’s probably the smartest and easy-go that you’ve ever met, share these jobs with them! You can reach out to us too if you feel like a fit (:


If everyones could tailor software to their problems, the world will be better at solving its problems. Our mission is to make that to a reality.

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Our job openings

🍫 Things we like

☕ Office culture

Clous is an organisation that loves human connection, and currently offers flexible location and work-time.

<aside> 🤫 It’s your choice. However, bear in mind that 100% remote working might cause isolation.


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📖 Hiring process

How we handle our hiring process ⬇️


To kick things off, we'll have a 45-minute video chat using Google Meets. It's a chance for you to meet our team and for us to get to know you better. We'll chat about your interests, experiences, and what you're looking for in a job. It's all about making sure we're a good fit for each other.


Next up, we'll have a longer chat, about 2 hours this time. You'll talk with your team leader and the person who first interviewed you. We'll dive deeper into your background and skills, and see how they match up with what we need. It's a chance for us to see if you'd be a great addition to our team.


Finally, we'll have one last chat, about an hour long. This could be in person or online, depending on what works best for you. You'll get to meet some more of the team and see where you might fit in. It's the last step in our process to make sure we're the right fit for each other.
